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How to find other useful articles about healthy lifestyle

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Adrenal Fatigue & Menopause

One of the more typical symptoms of the menopause is a persistent prolonging feeling of exhaustion and fatigue – mental and physical. How exhaustion and fatigue affected my hair? Feeling exhausted can be draining, yet when hair loss follows it, the combined symptoms are upsetting. I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue: What is Adrenal Fatigue? How can you explain it? Adrenal Fatigue begins to lower levels of hormones estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and adrenal and can alter the body function. Every person with Adrenal Fatigue manages to have a different set of symptoms that I listed: allergies anxiety Asthma autoimmune disease chronic inflammation Dark circles under the eyes Depression Dizziness Dry skin exhaustion fatigue food cravings frequent urination insomnia / insufficient sleep irritability Joint pain lack of energy low attention span / concentration low blood pressure Low blood sugar Low sex drive Lower back pain memory lapses mental fussiness Num...

Healthy Fruits And Their Health Benefits

Health benefits of eating fruits are exceptional for perfect health. They are an excellent source of natural vitamins and minerals which are needed by your body for proper functioning. Nutritionists recommend inclusion of dietary fiber in your daily diets and fruits are the best source of gut-friendly fiber. It keeps your digestion and vent system work properly and protects from ailments like constipation, gastritis etc. We know very well, the human body is knowledgeable construction and several disparate convoluted reactions takes place in every fraction of the moment. Today, everyone has a busy lifestyle due to that reason most of the people’s eating pattern become arranged with preservatives and processed foods, that are not only lacking imperative nutrients but can also responsible for the birth of noxious disease in the human body. When your body shows any health disorders or it falls ill, these kinds of concerns are recover or treated with a healthy diet which can be easily gain...

5 Components of Physical Fitness

While the definition of physical fitness can be a little complex or unclear and the definition of physical fitness can vary, most government health agencies and exercise scientists agree that there are 5 components of physical fitness related to health. These components provide a fairly accurate representation of how fit and healthy the body is as a whole (total or overall fitness). The 5 components are cardiovascular fitness (also referred to as cardio-respiratory endurance or cardiovascular endurance), muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Let’s take a closer look at these components individually. 1.) Cardiovascular fitness (or cardio-respiratory endurance or cardiovascular endurance) Of the 5 components, cardiovascular fitness is the cornerstone that creates the pathway to improving your other fitness levels. Cardiovascular fitness is the efficiency with which the body (the heart and lungs) delivers oxygen and nutrients to the required working...

How To Keep Food Nutritious After Cooking – A Simple Secret You May Be Overlooking

Healthy cooking is an art that involves careful selection of ingredients and then cooking them “gently” while keeping nutrients intact. The nutritional information of various ingredients is not a mystery these days as we have labels and the internet to help us with this knowledge. On the contrary, keeping our food nutritious even after cooking is a bit complex and confusing, not because it is difficult but due to a lack of correct information related to choosing the right cookware. So how to keep food nutritious even after cooking? Let’s find out: A clear and confident answer to this question is rare these days because there is so much misleading information on the internet related to different methods of cooking. For instance, you might find a few blog articles defending cooking in the crock pot as being a way to keep nutrients intact by cooking slowly at low heat. But you may also find some articles that claim otherwise. There are numerous references to inconclusive and sometimes, o...

Caribbean Food – A Little History

The Arawak, Carib, and Taino Indians were the first inhabitants of the Caribbean islands. These first inhabitants occupied the present day islands of British Virgin Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Trinidad, and Jamaica. Their daily diet consisted of vegetables and fruits such as papaw, yams, guavas, and cassava. The Taino started the process of cooking meat and fish in large clay pots. The Arawaks are the first people known to make a grate of thin green wood strips on which they slowly cooked meat, allowing it to be enhanced by the flavor of the wood. This grate was called a barbacoa, and the word we know today as barbeque is taken from this early Indian cooking method. The Carib Indians added more spice to their food with hot pepper sauces, and also added lemon and lime juice to their meat and fish recipes. The Caribs are said to have made the first pepper pot stew. No recipes exist since every time the Indians made the dish, they would always add new ingredients. The Carib...

Erectile Dysfunction and Creative Visualization

Visualization – sometimes also referred to as guided or creative visualization – is a powerful technique of positive thinking, and is frequently used in business and in sports to enhance performance. It is a way of using the power of your mind, and of focusing your thoughts, to bring about positive changes in your life. All people use creative visualization subconsciously, in one way or another, and not always in a positive way. For example, people who think they are unlucky, unworthy, undeserving or unattractive often end up acting in the very way that they believe others see them. So their negative thoughts about themselves actually become a reality, or self-fulfilling prophecy, and further serves to reinforce their negative self-image. So you can see how thought eventually becomes reality. In the same way, if you begin to think positively about yourself, and visualize yourself as someone who has unlimited potential, your positive self-image will manifest itself in your actions and ...

Joint Pain During Menopause Requires Your Attention

Many women experience menopausal joint pain symptoms. Medical experts have researched the connection between hormonal changes and this kind of pain. Some women experience joint and muscle pain, mouth discomfort, headaches and some even report heart palpitations. Interestingly, women who suffer tension headaches, abdominal, or facial pain found their symptoms lessened after menopause. Scientists today feel there may indeed be a link between estrogen, hormone levels including their fluctuations and this phenomenon Menopause and Joint Pain: Symptoms of Menopause Menopause occurs when a women stops ovulating and her period ceases. Most women reach menopause between 45 and 55 years, with an average age of about 50. However, about 1% reaches it before the age of 40, known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure. The most apparent changes recorded are in connection with menstrual cycle changes, changes in the bleeding pattern, hot flashes, sweating and urinary problems, such a...

Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them

Male menopause is a condition that affects men as they age. Also known as andropause, it describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels. Male menopause is most often denoted by a drop in the hormone testosterone in men 50 years of age or older. For the uninitiated, testosterone is made in the testes. It does more than just control libido; it also helps fuel mental and physical energy, maintain muscle mass, and regulate the fight-or-flight response. Unlike female menopause, not all men experience it. It also doesn’t mean the reproductive organs shut down. In fact, some men father children into their 80s. It can, however, affect several parts of daily living. Here are a few of the most common symptoms. 1) Depression or Sadness – As testosterone levels drop, a man can experience depression or sadness. Depression is a consistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. This symptom can itself lead to other major changes in lifestyle including appetite, sleep, concent...

6 Guidelines to Supporting a Healthy Communication Climate

I came from the big city and then spent 12 years in a very remote fishing village. You can imagine how my communication skills improved since being promoted to Regional Manager in my current MLM. I had to get behind the 8 ball fast to master presentations, phone calls, and one-on-one conversations, in order to improve my communication skills. Building healthy relationships with my team is now my #1 priority. From my Interpersonal Communications Course, here are six guidelines I reviewed for establishing a healthy communication climate. 1) Assume responsibility for communicating in ways that actively enhance the mood of the relationship. 2) Accept and confirm our prospects or friends, communicating that we accept them, even though we may not always agree with them or feel the same way. 3) Accept and confirm ourselves just as fully as we do others. Assert our own thoughts, feelings and needs, thus honoring ourselves and as a result, potential business partners will understand us be...

Healthy Living – Hunger Management While On Vacation

If you are about to set off on the vacation you have been dreaming of for some time; you may be having a few fears about how you will maintain your healthy diet protocol. With all the delicious food you are going to come across, how will you keep hunger at bay and cravings in line? Many people worry about this when they are planning their vacation, and the good news is with a few smart and doable tips, you should have no problem keeping yourself accountable. Here is what to know… 1. Include a Lot of Walking in Your Day. First, focus on walking throughout your day. Walking tours can last under an hour, while longer ones can take in multiple exciting sites and last much longer. Most people naturally do this on vacation since they are sightseeing anyway. The more walking you do, the more calories you will burn and the more food you can afford to eat. Additionally, many people do find walking helps combat hunger pains as well, and they are less hungry when they are moving more during ...

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – Why You Need to Invest In Your Health Every Day

Health advice is all around for a good reason. People are pushing their ideas because there is a demand for it. It is more than just interesting material to many people; often it is crucial information we all need to be made aware of. Your health and well-being become a more relevant issue with each passing day. Nobody is getting any younger, and few of us are preparing for being older. You need to invest in your health every single day. A little goes a long way, especially when you consider the benefits you will gain and the health problems you will prevent. It is not just about feeling better, being at the right weight, and having the freedom to eat whatever foods you like as opposed to being shackled by hypertension and Type 2 diabetes and their issues and inconveniences. It is about preventing what can… put you in a hospital bed, demand an emergency procedure, and potentially bring about an early death. First, it starts with your weight. The majority of health problems affe...

The Importance of Physical Fitness

In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. Obtaining and maintaining physical fitness is a result of physical activity, proper diet and nutrition and of course proper rest for physical recovery. In its simplest terms, physical fitness is to the human body what fine-tuning is to an engine. It enables people to perform up to their potential. Regardless of age, fitness can be described as a condition that helps individuals look, feel and do their best. Thus, physical fitness trainers, describe it as the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with left over energy to enjoy leisure-time activities and meet emergency demands. Specifically true for senior citizens, physical fitness is the ability to endure, bear up, withstand stress and carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue. In order for one to be considered physically fit, the heart, lungs, and muscles have to perform at a certain level for the indiv...

A FSSAI Food License Is A Boon To Every Consumer

Every individual across the country remembers the scandal Maggie noodles faced a few years back. Within a span of a short time, the food giant lost untold numbers of customers. It was during that controversial era that strict laws related to food licensing came into being. FSSAI made their registration and compliance more stringent in the wake of the Maggie hullaballoo. Today, a registered FSSAI company is seen as a boon to the end user and the entire food industry. A drastic change was brought about in the outdated laws and regulations. FSSAI upped the rules and made consumer much safer. They ensured that even massive corporations are brought to call when they make errors and put the health of the public at risk. What is FSSAI License Registration? Every person knows that there is a body that keeps our health and safety at the foremost, but few are aware of its integrities. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India incorporated a regulatory institution called the Food Safe...

How Can Industries Make A Difference In Food Packaging?

Define the ingredients in a unique manner To give food packaging an entirely new look, make sure to identify the components and present them in an attractive style. Brief the customers thoroughly because there can be many allergic elements that may disturb the users. Make the customers feel that they are buying a unique blend of ingredients that are going to stimulate their taste buds in a significant manner. Health and safety involved in packaging Food companies make sure to follow strict rules determined by Food safety authorities. All the boxes need to have nontoxic and nature-friendly material. The risk of contamination must be minimized because if you are not able to convince the customers that the food is being delivered in safe and secure boxes, then the sales will drop unimaginably. Food authorities are telling people to be aware of their rights and the damage a toxic packaging of food can do to their lives. Innovative label designs The designs being made by many other com...

Erectile Dysfunction Testing: What to Expect During an Exam

“Erectile dysfunction” is one phrase no man wants to hear, but it’s something which unfortunately does happen to a lot of men. As a matter of fact, the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimates about 30,000,000 men in America are affected by erectile dysfunction, making it a significant sexual health issue. Consulting a urologist about erectile dysfunction is highly recommended so a strategy can be developed to help address this issue. But when a guy does to a urologist, what kind of tests is he likely to encounter as his issue is examined? Some of these tests may seem a little off-track for a penis health issue, but the erectile process does require other parts of the body (the heart, glands, blood vessels, etc.) to operate correctly in order to be successful. Medical history Practically every doctor needs a medical history from his patient – and he needs it updated even if he already has the basics on file. He’ll go over things like past injuries,...

Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition – 8 Surprising Effects of Honey

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction you’ll be amazed at the effects honey can have on your sexual wellbeing. Honey has always been associated with love and sex, and finds an important place in literature. It is mentioned in the Bible, and has been known as an aphrodisiac as far back as 500BC. Hippocrates, considered one of the greatest figures in the history of medicine, was known to prescribe honey for sexual vigor. The Kama Sutra, an ancient Indian work on sex life, praises the benefits of honey. It has long been a traditional part of Indian weddings and even today the bridegroom is often offered honey to boost his stamina. Avicenna, a great Persian physician of the 11th century, considered honey to be “the food of foods, the drink of drinks and the drug of drugs”, and prescribed honey mixed with ginger and pepper as a sexual stimulant. In fact the word ‘honeymoon’ is derived from an old Viking tradition in which newlyweds, in their first month of marriage, would drink a daily c...

Muscle Weakness – How to Prevent This Menopause Symptom

Menopause and muscle weakness is an inescapable fact of every aging woman’s life and dealing with the accompanying symptoms is an achievable goal through proper health management. Menopause and the problems that come along with it is largely dependent upon a woman’s genetic make-up, but equally responsible is the way she has led her life. Her lifestyle, family history and the amount of exercise, diet balance and emotional well being she has maintained, are all contributing factors that determine her possible menopausal issues. Menopause and Muscle Weakness: Causes The years after menopause can be happy and productive, if negative consequences, such as, muscular weakening, reduced bone density, irritability and joint pains are avoided through preventive measures. Muscular weakness is a common complaint of many women going through menopause and the likely causes are leading a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or poor nutrition before this change sets in. Menopause and Muscle Weakness: How...

An Emotional Side of Erectile Dysfunction

Steve, 68, had just retired. It had been his second attempt at retiring. The first was when he was 65, but his wife was still working, so he found it difficult to adjust to retired life. When his wife retired 3 years later, Steve thought he would be just fine. But then he had difficulty maintaining an erection. His doctor diagnosed him with erectile dysfunction with no known cause. He was given no medical treatment. Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, is a medical diagnosis for any condition where the man is unable to obtain or maintain an erection. WebMD estimated that 18 million U.S. men are affected each year. It is more common in older men but is now being seen in men as young as teenagers. The causes are usually medical drugs, alcohol usage, fatigue or a hormonal imbalance or heart condition. There are medical drugs and prosthetics to assist the man. In Steve’s case, he refused both because he didn’t like taking medical drugs and didn’t want surgery. “It was bound...