Very Early Signs of Pregnancy – 10 Pregnancy Signs You Should Know
Do you know what the very early signs of pregnancy are? Your body is a complex machine – finely tuned and is giving off signals all the time. Pregnancy is a huge change to your body’s normal day-to-day functions and when you are with baby, your body will let you know! Some moms-to-be will get one or two quiet signs at first, others’ bodies will scream “I’M PREGNANT” with all 10 signs at once. As hormone levels fluctuate and your body learns how to react to these changed levels, most women will experience practically all of the very early signs of pregnancy. You just need to know what the signs are. Elevated Basal Body Temperature A woman’s basal body temperature (the lowest body temperature attained during rest) begins to elevate after ovulation, and stays elevated past when you should have had your period. This increase in basal body temperature, usually one-half to one degree Fahrenheit, is a subtle very early warning sign of pregnancy. To get this clue, you should have some idea ...